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Climate Change Agreements (CCAs)

Climate Change Agreements (CCAs) are part of a package of government measures to tackle climate change that are designed to encourage UK businesses to save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Jacobs work with select Trade Associations in operating and administrating the Climate Change Agreements on their behalf. Operators who hold a CCA are eligible to claim a discount on the Climate Change Levy (CCL) charged on their energy bills...

What are CCAs?

CCAs are voluntary agreements which detail targets for eligible industry sectors to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Operators who hold a CCA are eligible to claim a discount on the Climate Change Levy (CCL) charged on their energy bills.

Why have a CCA?

The benefits of having a CCA and partaking in the Climate Change Levy Discount Scheme result in up to 92% discount on electricity, up to 89% on gas, and up to 77% on LPG on the CCL charged in return for meeting energy or carbon saving targets.

How can we help?

This website offers CCA operators and  industry trade associations we work with material to support their CCA such as training programmes, timetable of activities, administration forms, and news updates.

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